
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH (G&D) has confirmed that it is now a member of the Grass Valley Technology Alliance. G&D has been at the forefront of the KVM industry for over 35 years and is a sought-after expert when it comes to intelligent KVM solutions for broadcast and post-production.

The Grass Valley Technology Alliance was established to identify compatible technologies that facilitate greater efficiency. In the case of G&D, its KVM systems enable computer technology to be outsourced from studios or the production area. The computers are also operated flexibly and remotely in real-time.

KVM helps broadcast professionals use their technical devices more flexibly and reliably by reducing overloaded workplaces, noise levels and heat emissions. G&D’s KVM solutions are the backbone of many broadcast applications and support wherever there is a need to outsource high-performance computers from the production environment and operate them remotely. The harmonious interaction of the Ignite system, which enables producers to create live content even more intuitively and flexibly, and the G&D KVM systems have been confirmed to optimise users’ workflows enormously.

The Grass Valley Technology Alliance brings far-reaching advantages for users, as all the systems and services offered are bundled and coordinated with one another better.

G&D’s CEO Rolland Ollek comments: “We’re pleased about the positive feedback on how well our systems work with the Ignite Automation Production Control Software (APC).”

Grass Valley’s president and CEO, Tim Shoulders, adds: “As our customers strive to deliver the captivating content and high production values that consumers demand, the Grass Valley Technology Alliance gives them access to trusted solutions that are tested and configured to ensure interoperability with Grass Valley’s solutions – one of the major hurdles our customers face when deploying multi-vendor systems. We are delighted to see G&D join the GVTA, bringing our valued ecosystem partners to a total of 21 diverse companies that support collaboration across the media production chain.”