
September 19, 2024
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Media systems integrator Jigsaw24 Media has signed a full-service partnership with pixitmedia, a Kalray subsidiary.

The new deal extends beyond technology provision to include presales, systems integration and product support for pixitmedia’s storage and data solutions. 

The agreement also coincides with Jigsaw24 Media’s first pixitmedia integration project, for London-based facility Fifty Fifty.

The Jigsaw24 Media team were actively looking for powerful and scalable storage for high-end finishing, conform and grading workflows. 

At IBC 2022, they were impressed by the combined capabilities of pixitmedia’s pixitstor and ngenea products. pixstor is a complete storage solution and offers guaranteed performance from disk to desktop.

With its software-defined architecture, pixstor provides a single global namespace that controls all commodity hardware, applications and systems in the workflow.

negena is pixitmedia’s on-demand data management solution, designed to overcome the challenges of moving and accessing data across multiple storage systems to provide secure yet seamless movement of data in and out of an organisation.  

 “Storage may not be a sexy product, but the intelligent management of data across different storage systems that ngenea provides, along with pixstor’s 99% performance guarantee, is a real differentiator,” says Jigsaw24 Media’s head of innovation, Chris Bailey.

“The fact that almost all the high-end post-production tools at IBC2022 were being backed by pixitstor and ngenea running on AWS was further evidence that pixitmedia’s products are a good fit for our clients.”  

 Jigsaw24 Media secured their first pixitmedia client while the partnership was still under negotiation.

Long time Jigsaw24 Media customer Fifty Fifty approached the systems integrator looking for a single, high-res footage repository with access for all their high-performance finishing suites. 

The Jigsaw24 Media team put a hyperconverged solution together that will provide each suite with high-speed, native access to the material on pixstor, with ngenea automating the movement of media between Fifty Fifty’s NAS, Avid | NEXIS and pixstor storage.  

 “My experience with pixstor at previous facilities has been exemplary and we know that we can trust Jigsaw24 Media to put forward the best solution for our requirements,” says Michael Sienczak, head of technical operations at Fifty Fifty. 

“But the deciding factors were when the team demonstrated how ngenea automatically makes media available in anticipation of workflows and shared the future product development plans. 

“We’re confident that this solution will meet both our current and future needs.”   

 The Fifty Fifty solution is being delivered in partnership with pixitmedia, with Jigsaw24 Media’s presales, integration and support personnel shadowing the pixitmedia team as part of a comprehensive training and skills transfer programme. 

All subsequent projects will be managed, integrated and supported entirely by the Jigsaw24 Media team.     

 “Jigsaw24 Media has an outstanding reputation in the UK post-production industry,” says pixitmedia CEO and co-founder, Ben Leaver. 

“Their technical expertise and extensive support team means that they’re able to provide the full cycle of services and support to our mutual customers.  We’re looking forward to a long and successful partnership.”   

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