
July 27, 2024
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Mo-Sys launches MoRail its high-performance motorized camera rail at IBC 2022.

Mo-Sys Engineering has announced the launch of its new high-performance motorized rail, MoRail, which enables cost-effective creative pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) and ENG camera movement within newsroom environments. Primarily designed for use in newsrooms, which may include traditional studios, greenscreen, LED volume-based broadcast applications and corporate presentations, MoRail supports all major PTZ and ENG camera systems weighing up to 15kg.

This helps transform regular static shots into repeatable creative shots with controlled parallax movement.

The perspective change achieved dramatically improves on the existing static only movement of PTZ cameras, allowing producers to achieve accurate movements during a show that immerse viewers into the studio, without the need to invest in expensive and complex track-based dolly systems. “With the introduction of MoRail we are opening the doors to a new level of creativity with PTZ cameras that has not been possible before,” said Michael Geissler, CEO of Mo-Sys.

“Production teams can now benefit from accurate and repeatable PTZ movement, and beautifully smooth and immersive parallax movement, that helps even small news operations to create more immersive and engaging content.”  Included in the MoRail package is a powerful Mo-Sys controller that allows rail height and camera position to be set in addition to pan, tilt, zoom, focus and iris. For a demonstration of MoRail, visit Mo-Sys at IBC2022 on stand 8.A49. MoRail will also be on view at the AOTO (7.C09) and Canon (11.C45) stands.