
September 8, 2024
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Ausma Lace, a recording engineer from Latvia, has been awarded the Sound For The Future Scholarship, which was set up by UK loudspeaker manufacturer PMC in association with the Audio Engineering Society Education Foundation.

This $5,000 prize is given to an audio engineering graduate who is also a member of the AES with the aim of helping them further their studies. In Ausma’s case it is helping to fund a Masters degree in Sound Recording at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Currently in her second year at McGill, Ausma is studying recording techniques for various musical genres.

“My course has given me the opportunity to explore different areas of the audio industry, including music production, immersive audio, audio for picture and live sound,” she says. “Recording and producing music is my passion and I am experimenting with the latest audio techniques and formats. My goal is to continue along this path and help musicians bring their creative visions to life.”

Peter Thomas, PMC’s founder and chairman, says: “Graduate students are the lifeblood of our industry and the people who will ultimately advance audio technology in the future. As a company we have always been at the cutting edge of research and development and we are delighted to support students like Ausma by providing funding towards tuition fees and educational expenses.”

PMC offers its Sound For The Future scholarship in conjunction with the AES Educational Foundation, which was established in 1984 to encourage talented students to enter the audio engineering profession. Grants for graduate studies with emphasis on audio topics are awarded annually, with recipients selected on the basis of demonstrated talent, achievements, goals and recommendations.

“I am very honoured, grateful and excited to receive this scholarship,” Ausma says. “It’s wonderful that PMC is supporting young audio professionals like myself with our studies.”